medium red

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  • $29.95

    1832 3 to 6 feet    Z7-11 R Fr mr This fine old rose has velvety, rich crimson flowers with a silvery reverse and a deliciously fruity fragrance. The double, cupped form of the blossoms is distinctive, keeping with the rounded shape even when fully open. Like all true Chinas, it is…

  • $29.95

    1958 3 to 4 feet Z6-11 R Fr mr ‘Peace’ crossed with ‘Independence’ produced this cherry red rose with the old-fashioned name. We are not sure why ‘Dame de Coeur’ dropped out of commerce, as it is healthy and free-blooming with large, double, very fragrant flowers that last well on the bush…

  • $29.95

    1958 10 to 15 feet   Z6-11 R Fr dr A very popular dark red climber, ‘Don Juan Cl.’ is a must for pillars or trellises. Plant this moderate climber where its fragrant flowers can be appreciated throughout the growing season.

  • $29.95

    Unknown 4 to 7 feet    Z6-11 R Fr mr Collected by Dr. William C. Welch in Louisiana, “Maggie” has very full flowers that are large, of rich carmine rose that can darken to crimson in cool weather. They are freely produced on a vigorous, healthy bush that makes a nice hedge,…