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  • $29.95

    1890 3 to 4 feet    Z6-11 R Fr w ‘Clotilde Soupert’ reminds us of the Bourbon rose, ‘Souvenir de la Malmaison,’ only smaller. The flower is a rounded, cabbagey rose of creamy white with the very palest touches of pink in the center of its 100 petals which enfold its fine perfume.…

  • $29.95

    1879 15 to 20 feet    Z6-11 R Fr w Though classed as a Noisette, the full blooms of this rose are more of a Bourbon or Hybrid Tea in shape. The flowers are intensely fragrant, cupped, and double opening the palest of pinks, then cooling to creamy white. Vigorous to about 20…

  • $29.95

    1880 8 to 12 feet   Z6-11 R Fr w   This healthy but thorny climber was previous sold by us as ‘Colonial White.’ The creamy white blooms of ‘Sombreuil’ are very large, flat, and quartered, with a most delicious Tea fragrance. The plant is reportedly free from mildew. This mannerly…