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  • $29.95

    1879 15 to 20 feet    Z6-11 R Fr w Though classed as a Noisette, the full blooms of this rose are more of a Bourbon or Hybrid Tea in shape. The flowers are intensely fragrant, cupped, and double opening the palest of pinks, then cooling to creamy white. Vigorous to about 20…

  • $29.95

    Unknown 4 to 7 feet    Z6-11 R Fr mr Collected by Dr. William C. Welch in Louisiana, “Maggie” has very full flowers that are large, of rich carmine rose that can darken to crimson in cool weather. They are freely produced on a vigorous, healthy bush that makes a nice hedge,…

  • $29.95

    Prior to 1894 4 to 6 feet    Z6-11 R yb This most interesting rose was once sold as ‘Tipo Ideale’, and it is ideally suited to illustrate the typical China trait of darkening with age, instead of fading. Nowhere is that trait more visible than in the flowers of ‘Mutabilis’,…

  • $29.95

    Unknown 3 to 5 feet    Z7-11 R my ‘Nacogdoches’ or “Grandma’s Yellow” as it is known in some circles, is a real eye catcher! The bright yellow roses appear throughout the growing season on an upright shrub and are excellent for cutting. We feel this rose is a modern Floribunda,…

  • $29.95

    1930 15 to 20 feet   Z5-11 R Fr lp This healthy climber, a repeat blooming sport of ‘Dr. W. Van Fleet’, bears long, full-pointed buds which are soft pink and fade to blush-cream as the flower opens fully. The foliage maintains a lustrous, dark green hue throughout the growing season. Give…

  • $29.95

    1953 12 to 15 feet    Z5-11 R Fr dp  This rose, along with ‘Zephirine Drouhin’, is one of our brightest, fragrant pink climber. ‘Parade’s’ flowers are very double, fragrant, and recurrent. This climber is vigorous to 15 feet with glossy leaves.

  • $29.95

    Unknown 12 to 15 feet    Z5-11 O mp “Peggy Martin’, also known as the “Hurricane Katrina rose”, is a vigorous spring blooming climber that can easily reach 15 feet or larger. Promoted as thornless, we find this rose has prickles on the leaves’ backs, while the canes are free…

  • $29.95

    1884 3 to 4 feet   Z5-11 R Fr ab This dainty little rose has a powerful perfume that can scent an entire room. ‘Perle d’Or’ has buds that are similar to ‘Cécile Brünner’ and change from nearly orange to golden pink as they unfold in small clusters. The silky petals…

  • $29.95

    1952 5 to 7 feet or 8 to 12 feet as a climber    Z6-11 R Fr mp ‘Climbing Pinkie’ is one of our favorite roses for use in many garden niches. The nearly thornless canes are easy to work with when training it as a climber (8 to 12…

  • $29.95

    2003 4 to 5 feet   Z5-11 R Fr lp   Quietness’ is an excellent specimen rose and reminds us of an upright version of the popular ‘Souvenir de la Malmaison’ rose. It produces full, soft pink, fragrant flowers well into the fall. The shrub is very cold hard and will…

  • $29.95

    2013 4 to 6 feet   Z5-11 R Fr pb ‘Savannah’ may be without a doubt, the best all around shrub roses we have! With its potent citrusy/old rose fragrance mix, extreme disease resistance, and high petal count with old rose from, it’s perfect for beginners and those wishing for a…

  • $29.95

    1880 8 to 12 feet   Z6-11 R Fr w   This healthy but thorny climber was previous sold by us as ‘Colonial White.’ The creamy white blooms of ‘Sombreuil’ are very large, flat, and quartered, with a most delicious Tea fragrance. The plant is reportedly free from mildew. This mannerly…

  • $29.95

    1998 5 to 8 feet   Z5-11  R Fr ob Mike Shoup claims this rose is the best of the “Pioneer Series” of roses introduced by the Antique Rose Emporium. It is truly exceptional! The fragrant, quartered blooms of peachy apricot appear in late spring and are followed by a strong…

  • $29.95

    1868 8 to 12 feet    Z6-11 R Fr dp Beautiful, high-centered, cerise-pink flowers with an overwhelming Bourbon fragrance makes ‘Zephirine Drouhin’ a knockout in spring and fall. The canes are nearly thornless and the dark green foliage is thick and very healthy, displaying coppery purple new growth making a…